Charitable Activities

The Profound Practice of Dana

Giving (dana) is an essential Buddhist practice. It is about generosity, openness, and our capacity to embrace others with compassion and love. When we truly see ourselves as others and others as ourselves, we naturally want to do everything we can to secure their happiness and well-being, because we know that it is also our own well-being and happiness.

We exist in interbeing with all of life. When we understand this fundamental truth, our acts of giving will be made in the spirit of nondiscrimination. The merit, the spiritual benefit to be gained from the practice of giving cannot be calculated. Helping to create a meditation hall is an offering for everyone, for the continuation of the Dharma. The practice of dana brings a lot of happiness when we know how to do it in the spirit of wisdom, with the understanding of interbeing.

Our Charitable Activities

To encourage the practice of Giving, from time to time, we might solicitate donations from members of our sangha, the retreatants, and the general public to support certain charitable causes.

  • Support victims of typhoon Yagi in Vietnam

    In September, 2024, Yagi, a destructive typhoon hit Vietnam and caused extensive damages across northern Vietnam. A delegation of monastics and lay people from the Compassion and Understanding Charity Program (a charitable program conducted by Plum Village monastics) have travelled to the hardest-hit areas and provided food, essential supplies, and supported reconstruction efforts (building bridges,…

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  • Support children who are undergoing treatments for severe health conditions

    During Lunar New Year in February 2024, we collected donations from children who participated in our Days of Mindfulness for Children. About twenty children donated part of their New Year “Lucky Money” to support other children who are undergoing treatments for severe health conditions in Vietnam. Together, the children collected over $1,700.00, which was sent…

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